At A Glance.

Children's Ministry

Partnering with Parents to raise a Godly generation

Student Ministry

Partnering with Parents to see students reach their full potential in Christ!

College & Career and 20's

Leading young adults to live our a Christian life!

Adult Ministry

Making Disciples of Every Generation!

Senior Adult Ministry

Dedicated To Finishing Well!

Fall in love with Jesus

Fall Ladies Conference
October 18th-19th

Conference Schedule:
Fri., Oct. 18th 6:30PM – 9PM
*Speaker and Fellowship
Sat., Oct. 19th 8:30AM – 3PM.
*Breakfast Snacks, Praise and Worship, Speaker, and Breakouts.

 Cost: $40

Starrla Penick | Guest Speaker

Starrla has committed her life to making Him known and famous and sharing the resulting contagious joy with others. Serving alongside Mark in ministry, Starrla believes her primary complementarian role is first and foremost to be his helpmate and support, helping him to be all that he can be as Pastor, in the home and at the church. She also enjoys cultivating relationships with women in the church, teaching, and speaking.